Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Free Patio Chairs

On my way to a meeting at the airport, I saw a free sign and 2 iron chairs.   I hoped that they'd still be there on the return trip so I could scoop them up.  I didn't know that in a couple hours, a wildfire would start only 2 miles from my home.  Needless to say, I rushed home to check on my son and animals.  After a few hours the firefighters were able to put the fire out.  So, I got in my little two door coupe and set off to see if the chairs were still there.

The owner was out mowing his lawn and he said he had an additional chair in the back.  So, I put all three in my little car.  It was kind of a puzzle getting them in, but I'm resourceful :)

Golden Splendor
Faded dirty cushions

Nice details, wrong color

So I had an idea of what to paint and recover these to, but I posted a poll with my friends to hear their ideas.  It was fun getting the feedback, but I'm a stubborn girl and stuck to my original idea.  A turquoise/teal paint with a black and white Damask style cover for the seat.

Kind of like this chair.

First I bought Rustoleum's Satin Lagoon.  Not sure what I was thinking, but I wasn't 100% sure that the color in the can, was going to look the same when it came out.

The more I looked at it, the more smurfy I felt

The seat cover fabric that I choose... and I'm just not in love with the paint color.

So, off to buy more paint.   Next I chose Krylon's Blue Ocean Breeze.  It was lighter than the Lagoon.

But, I was still unhappy with the results.  It was too powder blue.

So, off to the hardware store again to purchase more paint.  This time Catalina Mist.

You can see it's only a slight difference but it gives it the green tinge that I was hoping for.
Final Paint Color!

Time to recover the seats.  I pulled the old red off.  It was held on there with thumbtacks.  And next I find the original color, a cream with stains.

The final product!

Now I need a table!

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